Site Conversa Ubatuba arquivado em Setembro de 2019 - a conversa continua em

Planning Tropixel 2019 - ideas, topics, groups


This is an open topic to discuss possibilities to build the 2019 edition of Tropixel Festival in Ubatuba, Brazil.

To understand more about Ubatuba, watch for instance this video:

The central theme of Tropixel will be abundance and survival. We intend to make it happen somewhere in June.

Sign up to this website to send your ideas and suggestions.


The previous editions are documented, for instance, here:


Great video… very inspiring and well edited. Will follow for sure!


Super interested in participating in this Tropixel installment!


@how good, man! You guys find a way to come here and we can take care of the rest. Will you send a proposal of activities?


There are two topics in Portuguese to discuss plans here:


Anyone willing to develop activities related to open biomedical research during Tropixel? Mozilla Science have an open call for minigrants, here:

Awards at Mozilla are designed to support diverse approaches to addressing the most pressing threats to Internet health. Through the Science Mini Grants awards track, Mozilla seeks to identify, support, and develop a community of leaders in the network with the aim to transform research and the culture around science to make it more accessible, transparent, and reproducible.
Thanks to the generous support of the Leona M. & Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, once again we are awarding small grants ($3,000 — $10,000 USD) for project ideas that foster innovation and ultimately lead to more robust prototypes and products by expanding and enhancing the community who are working open. For this round of mini grants, we are specifically looking for projects related to biomedical subject areas .


  • Initial Funding Concepts (IFCs) due November 15th 2018, 5pm Eastern
  • Invitations to submit full application sent out by November 18th, 2018.
  • Final full applications due November 30th, 5pm Eastern.
  • Award notification will be made by December 30th, 2018.
  • Public awards announcement will be made February 1st, 2019.
  • Grant-funded projects or activities should take place between February 1, 2019 and August 30, 2019 .
  • Apply here:

Bringing to this thread as well. @gisela_domschke posted in the pt-br topic:


very interested in this, never been to Brazil and super interested in open science +art , brico/hackteria/interactivos thinking/nodes